Edmond Russo & Shlomi Tuizer © Agathe Poupeney
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Edmond Russo & Shlomi Tuizer

Affari Esteri

A common will to investigate and to defend a shared creative universe is at the origin of the creation of Affari Esteri;

Our identity is forged in choreographic and movement research, with an intention to widen the modes of expression related to the body in representation.

Since 2004, we have carried our artistic motivations within five major choreographic projects.

It is in all cases an interpretative journey, with recurring elements, such as the notion of time, present time, time that had passed, or of things to come, the notion of space and the tension between the unique figure and the relation to the other… 

Within the duration of the choreographic object, its transformation and the formal and emotional process of the performer, are central motivations.

The choreographic contents alternate between spatial, dynamic, formal projections, more attached to pure movement research, and more opened, impulsive projections, attached to forms of instant and improvised materials.

The musical environment with its variations of perception and the spatial modulations by the light design, allow the renewal of what one sees and participates in the identification and in the exploration of the same values carried by the choreographic act.

It is a constant need to reinscribe the body and its thought in new propositions of research.

An aspect of our researche would be to isolate and to identify physical functions, both posturales and behavioral. 

According to the chosen themes, these same notions can be dilated, and transcend the movement from its initial function.