Matthieu Hocquemiller
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Matthieu Hocquemiller

Compagnie à contre poil du sens

Following his professional training in circus arts (Centre des Arts du Cirque- Montpellier) and then dance training, Matthieu Hocquemiller worked as a performer, dancer and acrobat for numerous companies and was awarded the ADAMI Dance Talents prize in 2004.

He created the Montpellier company à contre poil du sens in 2005 and now focuses on the choreography side having created Bonnes nouvelles, Jusque là c'est nous (coproduced with the Festival Montpellier Danse) and Post disaster dance, to name just a few.
Alongside his artistic activities, he studied for a Masters degree in Social Science and Humanities and is currently writing a research paper at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) as part of the Political Gender and Sexuality department.
He is passionate about the visual and is currently furthering his knowledge of video technology and digital tools (Ecole des Gobelins, Paris). He integrates the visual into his choreography projects and works on video installations and short films (selected at numerous festivals).

The extremely physical vocabulary of the first plays later gives way to a more synthetic poetic writing. The artistic drive is to question the body's relationship with its era and seek new aesthetic commitments. The body is therefore considered as a political challenge and dance considered as a place for physical connection and attachment.
In 2013/14, he will be dancing as a performer for Alain Buffard and working on a play (nou) co-produced by the Festival Montpellier Danse.